Monday, September 26, 2011

Don't Call it a Comeback

Okay, fine. You can call it that. I've decided to start up this blog again because it's a really easy way to get me writing. What a waste of a four year degree it would be if I didn't write. Also, I've had more than one person tell that I should have a blog. Why disappoint the public? Seriously, though. Why?
So, this blog will not be about life updates or about how someone hurt my feelings and now I'm crying all over my keyboard or about how much I love my cat. It's really just going to be about things I think are rad. It may read like an advice column, but let's be clear, I don't give advice. Do whatever you want. This is just the way I think.
Without further ado, put the soap back under the sink. Let's go get our hands dirty, again.

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